Community radio stations crucial for aspirational districts

Experts in New Delhi highlighted the role of CR stations in taking the task of attaining SDG targets to the community level.

New Delhi: The 7th national Community Radio Sammelan began with a poster exhibition wherein community radio stations from across the country displayed their commitments on the canvas.

Information and Broadcasting Secretary Amit Khare Amit Khare lauded the creativity displayed through posters. “The posters represent community radio stations’ hard work and signify the change that they have brought in the rural areas.”

Among other themes the posters showcase the various efforts of the CR stations in taking the idea of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to the grassroots with local interests taking a centrestage at respective community radio stations.

The focus of community radio stations depicted through posters was visible across themes ranging from hunger, agriculture, doubling farmers’ income to water conservation.

Showcasing a community radio’s purpose of giving voice to the voiceless, the posters represented inclusivity and the capacity of CR stations in reaching almost every part of society.

Rakesh Ranjan, Senior consultant, NITI Aayog, said that community radio could be helpful in taking forward Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s idea of bringing inclusive growth with the aim bridging the gap between various districts.

Ranjan highlighting the role of community radio in transfroming aspirational districts in the country. “The radio programmes revolve around SDGs with their focus on issues like health, nutrition, education and agriculture. There are 112 aspirational districts that are competing with each other and CR stations can talk on important issues like breastfeeding.”

Ranjan called on the CR stations to share the success stories for aspiring local communities.

Atul Kumar, Additional Secretary, MIB, reiterated that community radio could play a major role in attaining the SDG targets. “CR stations are well equipped to carry forward the agenda of SDGs which is to leave no on behind. Community radio encourages participation of an individual in development activities an important element for the success of SDGs,” he said.

Esther Kar, Former Director General, Press Information Bureau, said that CR stations are very effective in carrying information at the grassroots level. Talking about the importance of skill development for achieving SDGs, she said community radio has the potential of both informing and educating people.

Experts also shared information about toolkits with the representatives of CR stations. These toolkits developed by UNESCO and UNICEF claim to support communities in meeting various SDG targets.

Source: OneWorld South Asia

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