National CR Award is a big encouragement

Debanjana Dev Barman from Friends Radio, Tripura shares her thoughts on winning the national award.

OneWorld:  What does it mean to you to win this award?

Answer: This award is a big encouragement for better work in future too.

OneWorld: How does it feel winning more than one award?

Answer: We received only one award on the theme Women and Health.

OneWorld:  Did you produce programmes  specifically to apply for awards or did you send your best programmes for awards?

Answer: We shared our best programme for nomination.

OneWorld: What is your message for CR stations to encourage them to apply for CR awards in future?

Answer: Always be positive, believe in yourself and do hard work with a smiling face. Give priority to all the listeners/friends. Also, always try to do something for your motherland.

OneWorld:  Anything else you want to add?

Answer: We need proper communication with all the stations for fruitful exchange of ideas on themes, cultures and traditions.