Dr Melwyn Pinto from Radio Sarang shares his thoughts on winning the national award.
OneWorld: What does it mean to you to win this award?
Answer: This award means a lot, particularly because of the participants who are visually impaired listeners of Radio Sarang. It is an award not just to Radio Sarang, but also to all those participants.
These people despite their handicap are looking at life very positively and have no regrets. Most of them have achieved quite much despite their blindness.
OneWorld: How does it feel winning more than one award?
Answer: Radio Sarang won only one award this time. However, we had won two awards on earlier occasions. Hence, it is special. Earlier, we won second prize. But this time it is first prize. It means that we are doing fairly a good job at our end.
OneWorld: Did you produce programmes specifically to apply for awards or did you send your best programmes for awards?
Answer: We had produced the programme with the blind earlier too. However, we polished it a bit this time.
OneWorld: What is your message for CR stations to encourage them to apply for CR awards in future?
Answer: I think all stations should participate at least in one category. Through this there will be healthy competition and we can learn from one another to enhance our programming.
OneWorld: Anything else you want to add?Answer: The prize money can be enhanced at least marginally each year.