Poster exhibition showcases efforts of Community Radio

Grassroots voices from across the country were showcased through a poster exhibition by community radio stations.

New Delhi: The seventh National Radio Sammelan was flagged off in New Delhi with a poster exhibition of community radio stations by information and Broadcasting Secretary Amit Khare Amit Khare.

Community Radio stations submitted and displayed the posters as a representation of their ideologies and engagements in an artistic form. “The posters represent community radio station’s hard work, and signify the change that they have brought in the rural areas,” said Khare.

The posters showcased the efforts made by the community radio in the local communities and helping the latter in achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs) at the local level.

Posters from different communities showcased different needs and aspirations of various sections of the local community spread within the reach of a CR station covering an area of 10-15 kilometers.

For instance- Ente Radio 91.2 in Kerala focuses on hunger programmes and caring for the impoverished, while 90.8 MHz KVK Pravara Community Radio works on agricultural extensions, water conservation, doubling farmers’ income and other government schemes.

The programmes of each radio station might be different in terms of format, but the motive is the similar, to provide a voice to the voiceless, and give them better living conditions.

The posters represented the inclusive approach adopted by most of the community radio stations and their intrinsic capability to to cater to every level of society.

Community Radio has the capacity to reach dalits, backwards and tribals and people of different linguistic and geographical divisions.

The focus of community radio stations was highlighted through various posters that highlighted their role in assisting the local communities on many fronts and dealing with diverse subjects including hunger, agriculture, doubling farmers’ income to water conservation.

Source: OneWorld South Asia