Winning a National CR Award is a valued recognition

Dr K M Anil Muahmmed from community radio station EnteRadio shares his thoughts on winning the national award.

OneWorld: What does it mean to you to win this award?

Answer: The award will be a morale boost for the stakeholders to take up new challenges in the community radio sector.

OneWorld: How does it feel winning more than one award?

It is not a matter of quantity but the recognition at least once is highly appreciable. Winning multiple awards are truly a recognition for magnified work.

OneWorld:  Did you produce programmes  specifically to apply for awards or did you send your best programmes for awards?

Answer: No, the programmes are not produced only with the intention of getting an award. Since it was for the first time we had applied for the award, we were not sure about its documents and format.

OneWorld: What is your message for CR stations to encourage them to apply for CR awards in future?

Answer: Do the best in homework and execution, awards will follow.